Our Balanced Curriculum

We seek to balance ingredients of a variety of early childhood education philosophies into an exemplary program. We believe children need many opportunities to play, experience, explore, discover and practice in a safe, child-centered environment. We respect the child's need for both nurturing and independence, quiet and active play, time alone and in-group endeavors. We aim to meet these needs by providing opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of activities.

Daily, there are structured events such as listening to stories, group singing, cooperative games or dramatic activities during "circle time" and arts/crafts, or science projects. There is also time for a choice of child-initiated indoor and outdoor activities including materials for tactile and sensory explorations, puzzles, games, dramatic play, water play, and riding tricycles.

Through their interactions with each other, children develop the social skills that enable them to function well in a group setting. The children develop listening and sharing skills, respect for each other and learn to solve conflicts, with teacher guidance. In addition, they learn to follow prescribed routines and acceptable modes of behavior during structured activities such as circle time, meals and rest period.

Toddlers Playing In The Playroom
  • Color Pencils



Our infant educators know that more than anything else, your little one needs to be loved. Because your child's caregiver knows how difficult it is for you to entrust your baby to anyone else, we make it a priority to build a strong relationship with you. She will spend time with you every day when you bring your baby to the classroom and when you pick him up. She will write down what your baby ate, when he slept and other things you need to know in his Infant Daily Report. In addition to plenty of cuddling, our infants participate in floor activities to promote rolling, crawling and walking development.


You probably already know that your toddler is a little explorer! She has discovered the freedom that learning to walk brings and has set out to see how her world works. Your child's caregiver knows that warm, nurturing interactions with your toddler is essential to healthy self-esteem and to gaining the confidence to try new things. She will talk to your child on her eye level, hug her and read to her. Your child's caregiver understands your child's love of repetition and never tires of singing her favorite song or reading her favorite book over and over again.

Your toddler's caregiver will share her day with you, both verbally and on her Toddler Daily Report where she records what she ate, when she slept, and other things you need to know.

In language development, teachers will help the toddlers expand their vocabulary by speaking to them frequently, using flashcards and helping them articulate simple sentences or questions. Toddlers will begin participating willingly with their friends as they learn and develop their social skills.

We are experienced infant educators. Your child will learn so much. Please call us today for more information.

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